Effective Cleaning!
WHC’s drainage line cleaning services employ the best practices to break down sewer blockages and scour off all the layered deposits. We disintegrate the drain blockages and flush the debris using the latest technology available, effectively cleaning the grease and other blockages in the drains. This service covers areas like washrooms, urinals, cafeterias and drain lines within the property up to 4 inches wide. Our products and services follow safety protocols and comply with mandatory government regulations.
End-To-End Drain Line Services to Achieve Maximum Hygiene Standards
This service helps identify blockages in drain lines and tackle problems even in tough terrains. Even though many air care products mask bad odor in the market today, they become ineffective with a clogged drain line. Our teams are well trained and use machines that clean the drain lines with a gentle rotation process and ensure that there is no internal damage to the drain lines, floors, divider tiles and fittings. This finally results in a fresh and well-maintained area for your employees and visitors.
WHC’s Drain Line Cleaning is carried out in a three-way process