Creating A Dignified Universe By Hygiene Solutions
In 2018, International Women Day, celebrated globally on 8 March, don’t let the celebration of the level of highlighting and in show off. This is the time to uphold women caliber, potency and it gives greater attention to women rights especially to the right when the menstruation occur. In some states of India, they are treated as untouchables in those five days. Celebrations must be gelled up with participating in politics which turned out to be in fruitful way, getting an education campaign which brings the awareness of literacy, having an income source for women that bring the change and living in societies free from violence.
Most of us usually forget that women are deprived of “Women Freedom”. The term freedom we talking here is not the Independence but in terms of disposing of the menstrual waste without any embarrassment. There are very fewer facilities for disposing of the waste in the correct manner. Although menstruation is a natural process where female has to face the turmoil of physical, hormonal or emotional changes. Rather than supporting women on this part our society always curse them and provide no special facilities which is actually their utmost need.
Today, woman is at the top of professionalism and on this fabulous way of celebrating women’s day Washroom Hygiene is doing righteous thing for their hygiene facility. They are the provider of the best feminine hygiene products which must pay emphasis on rendering product and services to women specially based on their hygiene. Along with hygiene on this special occasion they try to make the woman free from any embarrassment for disposing of the waste in the public washrooms.
Societies which are working for the welfare must work in collaboration with government to distribute sanitary pads at low cost, install sanitary napkin vending machine, awareness for feminine hygiene etc. Companies like washroom hygiene concepts is coming up with such an idea that is contributing to the welfare of professional women as they believe that rather than pop and show it’s good to do something for the welfare.